
To receive full credit for this assignment you must post the following to your blog.

You will be writing a brief paragraph that identifies the paper option you are using, the primary texts you are analyzing,  and the argument/interpretation you will be offering. Explain why this is a useful approach to take (example, why is it worthwhile to see e.e. cummings’ poetry vs. merely hearing it – analysis of his poetry as the intersection of visual and oral art forms, which encourages the reader to experience the content within his poem)?

So you will:

1.       Clearly state which paper option from the assignment sheet you plan to use.

2.      Clearly state what your primary texts (the texts you will analyze) will be. These texts must conform to the qualifications stated in the assignment prompts.

3.      Clearly state your possible thesis or at least the specific question you plan to research and why you find this intriguing or significant.  Here is a model:

“In this paper, I plan to look at the use of ______________ in these 2 works.  This is important to understand because _____________. By studying this more fully I hope to find out _______________.

4.     Give full MLA citation of the texts [even if they come from the course textbook]. If using a text in another media (TV show, movie, etc) properly cite according to MLA guidelines on page 1162 of your textbook. Also provide the full citations of at least 3 secondary sources you have researched and plan to use to investigate your question and/or make you argument.  At least one of these should be a peer reviewed journal article [not a book review].

5.      Optional- feel free to save all your research to a specific tab assigned to your paper research on your blog.  While you are not required to do so, this may help keep all your relevant files in one place, with the exception of any books/book chapters you choose to use.